Meet the Makers
Brad is the Owner and Maker at The Mythic Pen Company located in GA. Making pens since 2019, Brad has been producing pens with a keen eye on detail. Brad enjoys combining materials in interesting ways and evoking classic design in current pens. You can see Brad’s work at .
Jason is the Owner and Maker at Jason Neil Penworks. Since 2016, Jason has been producing pens with a focus on detail and beautiful finishes. Jason is a very innovative maker, introducing some well designed progressive pens. You can see Jason’s work at
Jonathon is the owner and maker at The Carolina Pen Company. Since 2009 , Jonathon has been a leading force in the handmade pen community. He has been both maker to his customers and a mentor to other makers. He produces high quality pens, made with his incredible in house materials, and his beautiful Urushi finishes. You can see Jonathon’s work at